Add order line item
Add a new line item to an existing order.
Last updated
Add a new line item to an existing order.
Last updated
You can use this action to add a line item to an existing order. The line item could be a product variant that exists on your store, or a completely custom line item.
Order ID
The ID of the Shopify order to add a line item to.
Variant ID
Optional. The ID of the variant to add. If left blank, a custom line item will be added instead.
Optional. The quantity to add. If left blank, will default to 1.
The price of the custom line item to add as a decimal, eg 12.99. Ignored if a variant ID is provided.
The title of the custom line item to add. Ignored if a variant ID is provided.
Requires shipping
Whether the custom line item to add requires shipping. Ignored if a variant ID is provided.
Whether the custom line item to add is taxable. Ignored if a variant ID is provided.
Notify customer
Whether to notify the customer with an email once editing is complete.
This action uses Shopify's Order Editing API under the hood, and is subject to the same restrictions as that API - for example, orders older than 60 days can't be edited, and you're not able to set a custom price for a line item being added with an existing variant ID.